Chart Builder Launch blog v2
13. June 2023

Launching GRID Smart Charts for Notion & Airtable

Lately, the team has been busy exploring ways to better facilitate chart-building with tabular data. That’s data in a structured table, like Notion databases and Airtable bases. To address the need for an easier, more cohesive approach, we’ve developed a powerful set of tools that we’re thrilled to be launching on Product Hunt.

GRID Smart Charts for databases encapsulates a suite of three features: Chart Builder, AI Chart Assistant & Structured Sheets. These features are designed to simplify the process of summarizing, aggregating & visualizing tabular data, helping you transform your databases into meaningful charts and tables.

Chart Builder: the power of pivot tables, without the hassle

One of the common hurdles when working with structured tables is that it isn’t always obvious how the data should be visualized. Sometimes, creating a chart directly from such data doesn’t produce an understandable result. And to summarize it, you’d typically need to write a complex QUERY function.

This is where Chart Builder comes in. A game-changer for anyone who finds pivot tables a little daunting, the Chart Builder has a simple point-and-click interface offering an easy way to filter, split, and aggregate data.

Chart builder - blog

Chart Builder lets you easily summarize data in a way that makes sense to you, and options like Filter by and Split by further enhance the flexibility and depth of your analysis. As you adjust the settings and explore the data, you’ll discover in real time which insights you need to visualize. You’ll get incredible value from your Notion and Airtable data as you better leverage it in the impactful charts and no-code pivot tables you create.

If you’re wondering how to get started, simply connect your Notion database or Airtable base to a GRID document, and you'll be offered the option to use the Chart Builder. Choose your desired chart type and customize the options.

Watch our quick Chart Builder tutorial for more detail on how to better communicate the richness of your data.

AI Chart Assistant: instantly generate charts with a simple prompt 

We first introduced our AI Formula Assistant a few months ago, and now we’re furthering our exploration of AI features in GRID with our AI Chart Assistant. Currently, the Chart Assistant builds charts from Notion and Airtable data, but stay tuned for expanded capabilities in the future!

Our AI Chart Assistant makes for a super streamlined chart-building experience. As an intelligent feature, it leverages natural language processing to generate charts based on your plain-language prompts. Simply describe the chart you need, and the assistant will create it for you.

Here’s how it works. Connect a Notion database/Airtable base and look for the Build a chart button in the lower right corner of the data panel.

AI assistant gif

From there, you can further customize the chart to meet your specific requirements.

Structured Sheets: enhanced querying and aggregation for tabular data

Structured Sheets offer stronger querying and aggregation capabilities for rich, tabular data from Notion and Airtable. These sheets provide a different interface and a tailored set of functionalities when working with and quantifying structured data in GRID.

Structured sources are now displayed in GRID in a clear, column structure with headers that simplify referencing column names in the data panel. Structured Sheets make it easy to:

  • Perform advanced aggregations

  • Seamlessly combine with data in other connected free-form spreadsheets

  • Leverage historical data from a structured sheet to inform free-form spreadsheet models

Launch blog - Structured data

For more background on structured sheets and our other Smart Chart features, read our CEO’s latest blog.

Pivot tables for the people

At GRID, we strive to empower people and their teams to do great data work. With the introduction of GRID Smart Charts for databases, we've brought together a powerful combination of smart datavis tools that make working with and communicating tabular data faster and more accessible than ever before. Whether you're a data analyst or a business professional, GRID provides the tools you need to unlock the true potential of your data.

Sign up for free to experience a new level of productivity and insight.

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