Web docs. Powered by spreadsheets.

GRID is a hybrid between a spreadsheet, document editor & presentation software. Build engaging, interactive web docs powered by your spreadsheets.

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It all starts with a spreadsheet.

At GRID, our motto is simple: spreadsheets run the world. When we set out to build GRID, we wanted to put a tool into the hands of everyday spreadsheet users that equipped them (and their spreadsheets) with superpowers. 

So under the hood of GRID, you will find a powerful spreadsheet engine that runs entirely in the browser. Not only can you use GRID Sheets, our native spreadsheet editor, but you can also upload or connect your Excel and Google Sheets spreadsheets.

GRID also works great with structured databases from Airtable and Notion.

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GRID Sheet - Content section 4

Then comes the visualization layer.

After connecting or creating a spreadsheet, the next thing you do in GRID is use the powerful WYSIWYG document editor. This is where it all starts to come together. Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wonder what it would look like if Excel and Word were combined into one product”? We did. And we want you to put it to use.

Add your narrative, data visualizations, input and interaction elements and connect them to cells in the underlying spreadsheet. Interacting with the elements in the document, you’ll see the real-time calculation happen in the spreadsheet, and now you’re ready to make magic happen.

The magical surface for numbers.

Once you’ve built your spreadsheet & GRID doc, you’re ready to share it or embed it to your website. This is where the magical surface comes into play: give your team members, clients or leads the ability to play around with the data and explore different scenarios, without ever needing to see or touch your spreadsheet. Keep your proprietary information secure and never think about that final_final_1.xlsx again! The GRID document updates when you make changes to your spreadsheet model.

You'll never want to go back to sharing static spreadsheet files!

Explore / explain gif

No code, no stress.

Control the distribution

Share an interface without revealing formulas or proprietary info. Say goodbye to worries about unauthorized sharing.

Stop version control headaches

Your GRID doc updates automatically with changes to your spreadsheet model. No more sharing new links or files!

Understand your audience better

Track interactions with your models to ensure they're effective for leads, clients, or team members.

Build with a power-user: full walkthrough

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